Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Last night I had the worst zombie dream; they got Atticus! I lived in a colony that kept its gun cache right next to entrance, so when the zombies got in via the entrance guess what no one could get to?...anyway, it was scary. Sybil, i know you're good but everyone else needs to work on thier zombie escape routes. I know that's what I'll be thinking about during statistics.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quick up to speed

So, I had a beautiful baby boy on september 29, 2011 and he is the most wonderful little man ever! My dilemma now is that I am very overweight. I have decided to (as of yesterday) accept the January 30 day challenge. My goal for the month is to lose 8lbs. I want to be able to fit into my old fat clothes at least. I would like to try and do the weight loss blogging with my sista's.

Here is the challenge that I am taking on:January 30 Day Challenge